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The Danish Home of Chicago Adventures: Where Will the Residents Go Next?

Although the 2024 year has just begun, The Danish Home of Chicago has already embarked on numerous community outings, filling its residents with smiles and memories that will last a lifetime. 


The Danish Home of Chicago, a senior living community located in Norwood Park, is no stranger to community outings, thanks to the tireless efforts of Director of Resident Services Robin Decker. Boredom is not an option for residents due to Robin’s unwavering hard work and dedication in planning the most extravagant and memorable outings for the seniors.


“The residents at The Danish Home of Chicago deserve nothing but the best experiences. It brings me joy to see their faces light up during our outings, and I couldn’t name anything that makes me happier than seeing these residents truly enjoy their time at our senior living community,” says Decker.


From Downtown Abbey exhibitions to a casual lunch at Chicago’s favorite lunch stop Portillo’s, the senior living community’s planned outings will make you want to throw in the towel and retire already.


“Without a doubt, the resident’s favorite outing so far has been the trip to the Titanic exhibition. It was a truly immersive experience that transported us back in time,” says Decker.


But these outings are more than just fun and entertainment, as they have a profound impact on the residents beyond what the eye can see. These outings keep residents physically and emotionally active, keeping them busy and excited for what next adventure lies ahead. By keeping them active and engaged, these outings help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, ensuring that every day is filled with excitement and anticipation.


“These outings aren’t just about visiting extravagant places or trying new things. They provide our seniors with a sense of purpose and social interaction, to ensure that they can live their life to the fullest,” says President and CEO Scott Swanson.


The Danish Home of Chicago continues to prioritize the well-being and happiness of its residents, and the community outings organized by Robin are a testament to their commitment. With each new adventure, the seniors are reminded that age is just a number, and that life is meant to be lived to the fullest.


The Danish Home

The Danish Home is a not-for-profit boutique senior living community at 5656 N. Newcastle Ave. in Norwood Park, a residential Chicago neighborhood. Independent, catered, and skilled care are offered on a private pay, rental basis. For information, contact Debi at (773) 775-7383 Ext. 4 or visit our website at