Women’s Auxiliary

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Danish Home Womens Auxiliary


Women’s Auxiliary of The Danish Home

Founded in 1958 by Elna Lorentzen, the Women’s Auxiliary helps raise funds for and are avid volunteers at The Danish Home of Chicago.  The purpose is to assist in the social well-being of the beloved residents at The Danish Home and to help improve their quality of life.  The Women’s Auxiliary consists of a dedicated team of 21 board members and over 200 members.  The Women’s Auxiliary luncheons provide an opportunity to get together with new and old friends while supporting a good cause, meeting residents and learning firsthand about this wonderful senior living community.

Women of all heritages and backgrounds are invited and encouraged to join this vital group of volunteers. All that is required is a willing spirit to continue and grow The Danish Home’s legacy of enhancing and enriching the lives of older adults, their families and the greater community. The Women’s Auxiliary is responsible for planning and implementing myriad activities, events and initiatives all throughout the year.

Monthly birthday parties

On the third Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., we welcome all who had a birthday in that month and those who want to wish them well to The Danish Home for our monthly birthday celebration. Please join us for the celebration!

Sunday coffee

Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m., coffee hour is held at The Danish Home.

Upcoming events

  • Saturday, October 11, 2025:
    Women’s Auxiliary Annual Membership Meeting & Fall Brunch
    The Danish Home at 11:30 AM
  • Past events

    Click here for Women’s Auxiliary Brochure

    Click here for Women’s Auxiliary Spring Luncheon Save the Date

    “For the Osuch family, choosing The Danish Home of Chicago for our parents was always our first choice. We have had a lifetime of great experiences there, well before the folks moved in.”

