We embrace the Scandinavian value of hygge, which means hospitality, friendship, conviviality…the wish to make everybody comfortable, cared for and loved.
We embrace the Scandinavian value of lykkexc, Danish for happiness. Here, among close friends and warm and loving staff, you can’t help but feel happy.
We honor the Scandinavian value of fortrøstning, which means optimism, reliance and trust. Nothing is more important to us than your trust that we will provide a secure future for you.
About The Danish Home
ways to give
The Danish Home Foundation
The Danish Home Foundation is a not-for-profit organization funded and operated 100% by private donations and endowments. These donations preserve the purpose and spirit of The Danish Home, envisioned by its founders, to provide care and a safe, comfortable haven for older people.
“We could not have found a better home for our mother than The Danish Home.
The level of nursing care, attention to detail, and overall cleanliness is truly outstanding.”
– Anne Mickey, daughter of resident
Call today to learn more or to schedule a visit