Birthday Celebrations –
On the third Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m., we welcome all who had a birthday in that month and those who want to wish them well to The Danish Home for our monthly birthday celebration. Please join us for the celebration!

Sunday Coffee –
Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. coffee hour is held at The Danish Home.
For more information please call (773) 775-7383


The Danish Home Activity Calendar

Click below to access The Danish Home Resident Life calendar for the current month’s activities and to see all the festive and fun things we have going on. If you would like to volunteer to accompany The Danish Home’s activities director on an outing with residents, please contact Robin Decker at

July Resident Calendar 2024

Click here to learn about the Women’s Auxiliary

Call today to learn more or to schedule a visit

773-775-7383, Ext 4