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Taking Stock of Other Ways to Give to Our Capital Campaign

Launched in 2018, The Danish Home Foundation’s $10.5 million “Our Future in Focus” Capital Campaign for physical improvements to our building and increased charitable care has made significant progress.

Generous friends and sponsors of The Danish Home of Chicago have buttressed our plans for the future, and we are ever grateful to them. Even amidst a pandemic, when uncertainty has beset so many of us, our friends and family have continued to demonstrate their faithful support of The Danish Home.

As we near the end of our campaign, we still have a ways to go before our goal is completely met. As such, we would like to remind our friends that there are several ways to contribute beyond customary monetary donations.

For example, many have made stock donations to us, which benefit the donor as well as The Danish Home. According to The Danish Home Foundation’s Development Manager Linda Steffensen, “Gifts of stock are an especially good choice for making charitable gifts if the stock has appreciated in value. For example, if you purchased a stock at $50 per share and it is now trading at $100, you would have to pay capital gains on the $50 increase in the price of the stock if you were to sell it. If you donate the stock instead, you avoid the capital gains and you get a tax deduction based on the new, higher price of the stock.”

Because stock transactions are made electronically now, it is important to call The Danish Home (contact information below) and let us know you are making a gift of stock. Be sure to get the name and account information for The Danish Home’s brokerage and tell us the brokerage that will be making the transaction as well as the name of the stock and how many shares. That way, we will know how to acknowledge your gift, and the “paper trail” will be complete.

Other ways to give to our campaign include:

  • Using life insurance to make charitable donations
  • Matching gifts through an employer or matching gift organization
  • Creating a Facebook fundraiser
  • Estate gifts
  • Annual giving pledges
  • Gifting retirement assets
  • Charitable IRA donations as part of Required Minimum Distributions (RMD’s)
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Purchases with Amazon Smile
  • Supporting Special Appeals

If you would like to learn more about alternate ways to give to our Capital Campaign, please contact Linda Steffensen or The Danish Home’s Chief Financial Officer Fred Saviano at 773-775-7383 or visit